is was archived by on 2015-06-04
Blog posts
Malala Yousafzai gives $50,000 to reconstruction of Gaza schools
Nobel Peace Prize Winner Malala Yousafsai gives $50,000 to reconstruction of Gaza Schools –
Shiny new Debian8 server for should be arriving soon
Once the VPS-from-cloud has been delivered I will start to migrate the sites, among the 1st
Welcome to StackEdit! Hey! I’m your first Markdown document in StackEdit1. Don’t delete me, I’m very helpful! I can be recovered anyway in the Utils tab of the Settings dialog. Documents StackEdit stores your documents in your browser, which means all your documents are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! Note: StackEdit is accessible… Continue reading Hello!
Teaching Peace in Palestine short film
Film by Dawud Hebron ? Credit to Hebron Voices.
Crowdfunding campaign to finance feasibility study / assessment ?
The 1st thing in order to start a crowd funding drive is to set the goal. For this we need to find out what a brief but professional feasibility study / assessment would cost. There are numerous crowdfunding sites. How to choose? Here’s Wikipedia on crowdfunding.
Situation re Gotthard Base Tunnel
The Gotthard Base Tunnel as of October 2010 the cost is approx. US$10.22 billion. This tunnel is not yet operational says it is expected to become operational on 2016-06-02 At 57km long it will be the longest railway tunnel in the world when it opens.
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